"...managed with love & care by ZaiNaniKids Sdn Bhd (832149-X)"

Friday, November 6, 2009

Sweet Memories 2009

Year 2009 is coming to an end. We had a year filled with fun activities.  Earlier in the year, we went for the Field Trip to KL Birds Park in March 2009.

Then we had our Sports Day at Sek Keb Bukit Rimau in May 2009.

Teachers' Day in May 2009. The children had more fun than the teachers...

The Merdeka Celebration in August 2009

Then it was the Concert and Graduation on 3rd October 2009

....concert photos will be uploaded later....

And recently we had festivity celebration.

...2009...a year filled with fun and laughter. We look forward to seeing our students again next year. At the same time, we will surely miss our Pre School 3 who'll be in Primary school next year.