"...managed with love & care by ZaiNaniKids Sdn Bhd (832149-X)"

Friday, April 30, 2010


A couple of weeks ago the people from vitagen came to our school...

These lovely ladies came to tell stories of how to love your tummy...

Wow! with all the setting up of their equipment etc etc etc... the kids just couldn't concentrate on their lessons...So we gather them all in front of this projector...and the two lovely ladies started to tell stories about how to love your tummy....

They enjoyed the story-telling...and the excercising...

and the dancing...

and after that they get to see.............

Captain V!!!! I thought the little ones will cry when they see this creature.... but they know captain Q-dees very well from our Fliptech@Q programme. So Captain V is no alien to them....In fact.... we had to protect Captain V from the kids!!!!

Thank you to Vitagen for coming and entertain our kids. The kids were so happy when they get to bring home these.....